Hallowe’en Spider Webs from Grapevine and crocheted morning glory (“bindweed”).
I’ve placed them on the rose trellis, after pruning the rose. Hoping they’ll attract some interest from people, cats or spiders. Crows would come if a placed a treat there I’m sure.
More photos will be posted when the spiders arrive. I’m sure they will come before Hallowe’en.
Harvest and Hallowe-en– great times to look at the garden (and back alleys) for materials for fall and winter eco-arts creations.
Also created… the second annual “scarecrow” with the grandkids. This year the pink pillow case used for a head got tied off to make it rounder and instantly looked more like a scare pig.
As Em says: We’ve probably got the only Scare Pig in Vancouver. Then she commented: “Most people buy scarecrows.”
“Not farmers and not artists,” I reply.
I happily donated a pair of cords and a turquoise sweater for this year’s creation. In both cases, these were in the way-too-comfortable-to-throw-away but way-too-worn to be worn category. So, now they’re art. They’ve gone to a better place.