CELEBRATE! February 17, 2013
SHARE THE LOVE on World Community Arts Day.
On February 17, 2012 send some love to the community artists who make our city a better place.
“A sweet project,” is how Rika Uto, Arts and Education programmer at Carnegie Centre responded.
Preparation: Let us know if you can come to the Woodward’s building to cut out recycled materials and start the cards. We’ll provide some materials and supplies, but if you have extra magazines and calendars, scissors, glue, red, white or silver pencils, markers, paints, bring them along with any precious bits (beads, foil, stamps and stamp pads) or bring nothing except your enthusiasm. (time to be confirmed depending on people’s availability) – We’ll compile materials for some workshops and will start some collaged cards for people to add writing to.
In 2007, Andrew Crummy in Scotland decided there should be a World Community Arts Day and he simply proclaimed it! What a cool thing to do. Since then it’s grown and has been expanding. Last year we facilitated some collaged “love letters” to some of the community artists and we’d like to help make that happen again this year.
This idea came from the Neighbourhood Arts Network in Toronto. In 2010, they did “Love Letters to Community Art”. They’ve posted lots of photos and I thought: we could do that!
Or perhaps you agree with artist and author Douglas Coupland who while speaking at the Cities Summit conference last week in Vancouver said, “People want experiences that can’t be downloaded.”
In that case, we invite you to show up to write a “love letter” to Vancouver community artists. We’ll provide materials for collaging cards and writing poetry on the cards at several times. . At each group, participants will be invited to suggest people to receive a card for their work in community arts.
We can bring materials and ideas to your group if you’d like to participate.
We plan to make between 10 and 20 cards and invite DTES residents to generate the list of people to receive cards. The cards will be made on 9×12 card stock with a collage on one side and text written in ink on top of the collage and then signatures and notes on the back.
Interested in being part of this “sweet project”?
Let me know your availability and which parts interest you the most, and we’ll build up the team to Share the Love on World Community Arts Day.