Here are descriptions of two of the projects scheduled for completion in spring, 2012.
Strathcona/SPOTA Mosaic Project
This project is intended to help make sure that significant points in the history of the Strathcona community are not forgotten. Work on a historically significant marker began last year to recognize the home of Mary Chan (658 Keefer Street). This was where the Strathcona Property Owners and Tenants Association was founded and where was launched the successful campaign to stop plans to demolish large swaths of the area for a freeway and for “urban renewal” and to initiate resident-led planning that would preserve and improve the housing stock.
This will be designed as a public art piece mosaic marker and installed in public space.
Local Project Partner: Cultural Creative Collaborations.
Black Community Strathcona/East End Marker
This project recognizes and honours the former Hogan’s Alley which was home to the area’s predominately Black community. It will be a two part art installation; an art monument called “Soul Sanctum” installed in public space and a small “echo” song bird piece to be located on the African Methodist Episcopal Fountain Chapel at Jackson and Prior (and whose owner has agreed to this arrangement).
Local Project Partner: Cultural Creative Collaborations.
These projects are supported by the City of Vancouver Great Beginnings program.