At the Board Meeting March 1,2012, the board adopted the following as a working document to be finalized at the next meeting.
Leslie Kemp, past president of the board, was appointed as Chair of this committee. Jessica Numinnem is the board liaison to the committee.
Terms of Reference
Downtown Eastside Community Arts Program Committee
March 1, 2012 – Approved as a working document to be finalized at the Board Meeting March 29
The mandate of the Downtown Eastside Community Arts Program Committee is to develop programs and opportunities for Downtown Eastside residents to experience and participate in the community arts. This mandate will be carried out through collaborative activities and programs with Downtown Eastside community organizations.
A. Tasks
The tasks of the Downtown Eastside Community Arts Program Committee are to:
1. Recommend to the CACV Board of Directors overall priorities for programming in the Downtown Eastside.
2. Identify opportunities for building relationships and collaborative activities within and amongst Downtown Eastside organizations.
3. Research needs and propose solutions for capacity-building in the community arts for local artists, residents and organizations in the Downtown Eastside.
4. Identify opportunities for supporting local artists through mentorship opportunities and supporting organizations to hire Downtown Eastside based emerging and established artists.
5. Through community consultations develop programs and opportunities for Downtown Eastside residents to participate and actively engage in the arts as audience, as participants, as aspiring artists and as artists.
6. Recommend to the CACV Board of Directors the allocation of resources (staff and funds) to specific programs and organizations.
B. Operating Principles
The Downtown Eastside Community Arts Program is guided by the following beliefs and values about the role and power of the arts in the Downtown Eastside:
• Plays a central role in the lives of Downtown Eastside residents.
• Is inclusive.
• Fosters personal development – Downtown Eastside residents can find fulfillment, overcome personal challenges and pursue careers in arts and culture.
• Generates employment, business and volunteer opportunities.
• Inspires confidence, builds bridges, nurtures communities and changes perceptions within the Downtown Eastside and in the city as a whole.
• Gives individual and collective voice, hope and meaning to people’s lives.
The following principles will inform the operations of the Committee:
• Recognition of the importance of leadership from artists, arts organizations and residents of the Downtown Eastside.
• Recognition of the importance of fostering collaboration with and amongst Downtown Eastside community organizations involved in the community arts.
• Recognition of the CACV’s mandate to facilitate community arts development in the Downtown Eastside and in the City as a whole.
C. Accountability
The Program Committee is accountable to the CACV Board for the following tasks:
1. Develop recommendations to the CACV Board for annual program priorities.
2. Work collaboratively with the Downtown Eastside community (artists, arts organizations and residents) in developing and operating programs and activities.
3. Develop recommendations to the CACV Board on the allocation of resources for specific programs and organizations.
D. Specific Instructions
1. The Committee shall meet on a regular basis as needed.
2. The Committee shall prepare an annual budget and program recommendations by July 1 for submission to the CACV Treasurer for the following fiscal year (1 year in advance). (Rationale: BCAC grant application is due by end of Sept.)
3. The Committee shall prepare an annual report by September 30 of each year for the previous fiscal year (to facilitate the preparation of the Annual Report of the Society).
E. Committee Membership
The Committee shall consist of a chair who is appointed by the CACV Board and is a member of the Board. The Committee shall consist of two representatives from the CACV Board and at least 3 other members (including representatives from the Downtown Eastside community). The Board President shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Committee.
F. Lines of Communication
1. Report to the CACV Board through its board representatives on a monthly basis.
2. Report to CACV members at the Annual General Meeting and through regular newsletter bulletins.