***This call is now closed. ***
Create snake sculptures from invasive/abundant natural materials
Thanks to the Province of British Columbia, we will be offering 5 half-day workshops for community groups to create snake sculptures in honour of Year of the Snake. This snake sculpture will be modular and made from various natural or invasive species materials. The project will culminate in the parade and an installation at this year’s Lunar New Year celebration at Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden.
The workshops will be held at a variety of locations around Vancouver in collaboration with community partners who will provide working space, advertising and a group to work with. Workshops will take place during January of 2013 and can be scheduled on several sequential days or over a period of 3-4 weeks.
- Volunteers are available to assist with workshops including documenting for our website.
- Artist fee: $257/workshop (CARFAC rate) Materials /other expenses up to $80/workshop.
- The same artist can lead all five workshops or different people can do different sessions. The artist can suggest groups/venues to participate.
Please send expression of interest by December 12, 2012, with the following information:
- Name and contact information;
- Approach/medium you would work with and your experience with this;
- Up to 5 photos of work you’ve done that illustrates your experience relevant to this project;
- Statement of interest in the Year of the Snake, Lunar New Year, Eco-arts, Arts-Based Community Development;
- Experience working with community groups on a sculptural, installation project (or other artistic product);
- Two references.
Send to eco-arts@cacv.ca
Expressions of interest will be reviewed by the CACV Eco-Arts Co-Chairs, Board Representative and Program Consultant. Final decisions will be made by the Eco-Arts Committee after any requests for additional information by the initial group.