Vivian facilitated heart art from invasive materials at our community arts dialogue in September.
Read an article in UBC Reports August, 2007
For aspiring entrepreneur Vivian Bomberry, the irony of the term cohort — used in education circles to define a group of students in the same class year — wasn’t lost when she began her studies in the Ch’nook Advanced Management Program at UBC.
“When I heard the word, I didn’t know what it meant,” said Bomberry, speaking of the first gathering of students in the program, which is geared to future First Nations business leaders. “I looked it up and found the definition: Band of warriors. Well, that was us!”
Seven months after her foray into coursework devoted to marketing, finance, business strategy and operations, Bomberry would be one of twelve students to complete the Aboriginal business program in its inaugural year. Originally from the Six Nations Band in Ontario, she now resides in B.C., where she is focused on starting her own jewelry business.