Thank you for a successful virtual VOAF 2020! |

The 2020 Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival showcased an incredible group of artists on December 3 – 5 via live stream. We featured music, writing, theatre, dance, storytelling and profiles of both performers and visual artists in the festival; as well as an online gallery!
Special thanks to Title Sponsor McCarthy Properties Ltd.
Vancouver Outsider Arts Festival 2020 Online Exhibit
Livestream Schedule
December 3, 2020 6:00 – 8:00 PM
- Tsitsayxemaat (Opening Welcome)
- Dalannah Gail Bowen
- Jim Sands
- Highs & Lows Choir
- Mark McLeod
Visual Artists:
- Montana King
- Sam Salvat
- Oli Salvas
Dec 4, 2020 6:00 – 8:00 PM
- Downtown Eastside Writers Collective
- Vancouver Cantonese Opera
- Delaney Rose
Visual Artists:
- Linda Haftner
- John Clinock
- Penny Lim
- Emily Hjermstad
- Saori Hoshi
- Melanie Stuparyk
- Jacqueline Primeau
- Kim Ridgway
- Sara Yoemans
- Martin Hunt
Dec 5, 2020 6:00 – 8:00 PM
- Ibrahim Saker
- Polymer Dance
- SOUP by Trevor Copp & Johnny Trinh (play reading)
Visual Artists:
- Tadafumi Tamura
- Karen Vanon
- Alex Levrov
Group Show
November 9 – January 9
Lost & Found Cafe
33 W. Hastings St
Monday – Friday 9 AM – 3 PM
Saturday 10 AM – 3 PM
VOAF is dedicated to supporting self-identified outsider artists who face social exclusion and other visible/invisible barriers to sharing their work.
Please email us at if you have questions. Thanks!